We have carefully selected the materials to make the bag. Colour variations, irregularities or veins may be apparent in even the most luxurious leather hides. These small natural marks are proof of authenticity and give each hide its unique character. They should not be considered as imperfections.
In order to preserve the beauty of the smooth calf leather for a long time, we advise you to follow these few recommandations.
- Avoid contact with grease, perfumes and cosmetics
- Avoid prolonged exposure to intense light sources, especially for light coloured bags
- Keep your bag out of the rain. If it comes to be wet, dab it with a pale soft cloth to absorb the liquid
- Be careful not to scratch it on abrasive surfaces
- Do not store it in a place too hot, humid or unventilated. Never seal it in a plastic bag
- Fill your bag with silk paper to keep its shape and store it in its box
- For maintenance, use a soft free lint cloth
- If your bag is badly damaged, consult a professional leather cleaner or our customer service department
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